- Nasha Mukti Kendra in Talwara - 09501593164 - JDF-2023
Rehabilitation centre for Durgs
Monday - Sunday, 8AM to 8PM
Call us now +919501593164

Nasha Mukti Kendra in Thanamandi

Individuals who imbibe narcotics suffer from a myriad of health challenges such as lung complications, heart diseases, cancer or any other psychological disorder. Therefore it is important to receive proper medical care from proficient doctors. We ensure that you get the best treatment within the shortest time possible at Nasha Mukti Kendra situated within Thanamandi.

Infectious diseases may often arise due to addiction brought about by sharing injection equipment or following other unsafe practices. Many people fall victims of narcotics because they are ignorant about drugs.

Consumption of harmful addictive substances can result in severe health problems including cardiovascular illness, stroke, cancer, lung cancer among others mental disorders.

You can start your journey to recovery at our Nasha Mukti Kendra based in Thanamandi by getting in touch with our team.

Services and features of our Nasha Mukti Kendra located in Thanamandi.

We are committed to providing luxurious amenities at affordable rates in all our centers including Nasha Mukti Kendra situated within Thanamandi. We believe that no patient should struggle with addiction therefore we go an extra mile to deliver quality services. The patient should be provided with clean environment where they are not judged but supported until they recover.

We blend premium facilities with medication counseling and therapy sessions during which time you access various recreational activities like swimming or gymnasium. Our goal at this center is ensuring total satisfaction throughout the period of treatment for every client who comes here.

The nature of our facilities could vary depending on location as well as type of treatment chosen by each individual although all these factors considered together must ensure that each patient receives appropriate care coupled with homely atmosphere which promotes recovery process among them. Our staff members work round clock ensuring your comfortability thus happiness while under their care without showing any sign judgmental attitude towards anyone seeking assistance from us even if it takes whole day long because we love what we do.

Following are some of the facilities available at our Nasha Mukti Kendra located in Thanamandi:

  • We have private rooms as well as double occupancy and triple occupancy rooms.
  • There is enough space for recreational activities such as gymnasium or fitness programs where one can engage themselves during their free time.
  • Nutritional counseling is also provided here meaning that a diet chart or plan is prepared for each patient depending on his/her body needs and requirements.
  • Our yoga experts will guide you through different postures and exercises which help control cravings by enhancing self-control power over addictive substances through breath work along with other techniques aimed at achieving this goal on a daily basis while staying within these premises till full recovery period ends.
  • Security surveillance is maintained twenty-four seven throughout the facility via closed circuit television cameras (CCTV).
  • Counseling sessions include individual therapy, group therapy, cognitive behavior therapy among others that are conducted by trained professionals in this field at all times so that they can meet any need arising from various stages involved during healing process itself.
  • All health professionals including doctors working at our Nasha Mukti Kendra have many years of experience hence they know how to handle patients well which makes them feel safe while being attended here knowing fully that their lives are valued not just physically but also mentally apart from offering necessary medical attention required for complete recovery process itself.
  • We provide pick-up and drop services for those who cannot make it on their own due to transport challenges or any other valid reasons why one may require such assistance from us until he/she reaches our center safely where further care shall be accorded accordingly thereafter without charging any extra fee towards providing these additional services being offered free of charge as part of our commitment towards helping people overcome addiction problems forevermore starting today onwards forever more always there forevermore.

Our Nasha Mukti Kendra helpline service in Thanamandi operates round the clock every day throughout year thus enabling one to contact us whenever help is needed.

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